
All posts tagged Lombok

Segara Anak, from Senaru trail…

It’s late afternoon at Lake Segara Anak. We quickly finish our lunch, pack up and get ready for another long trek, and this time it’s going to be a steep one. Our next destination is Plawangan Senaru. So, from the caldera lake, we’re going to climb back to the crater rim. From 2,010 meter asl up to 2,640 meter asl. So we brace ourselves for a difficult and tiring hike..

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Hindu worship rituals, Segara Anak lakeside...

Hindu worship rituals, Segara Anak lakeside…

The mist begins to fall in that late afternoon. It starts to get cold, even though the sun is still shining brightly on the horizon, still an hour or more before sunset, illuminating part of the mountain slope and the peak of Mount Rinjani on the East side of Lake Segara Anak. While his hand chiming a small bell, a pedanda (Hindunese priest) leads the worship rituals and chants prayers. Suddenly, mystical atmosphere is on the air, with the mist falls and the cold wind breezing. I put on my jacket, before continue taking pictures of the worship ceremony, held by the lakeside..

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The porters negotiate their way through the Torean trail..

It was nearly midnight when we reached Senaru. Tonight we stay at our porter’s home. Suma and his little brother will come with us exploring Mount Rinjani for the next four days. Bale-bale in a Beruga – a traditional gazebo in Lombok people houses – in the front yard is our place to rest tonight. A short break, and should be utilized as well as possible, because in the morning we had to be ready to set off on foot up the hill through the Torean trail path..

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